4 simple ways to protect your skin from the sun


Everybody loves a day out in the sun. With a clear sky and a bright sun above, you can do anything you want – swimming at Bondi Beach in Sydney, taking a dip in the pool, having a picnic at the park, and even just walking around your neighbourhood. But before you head out the door and spend the entire day outdoors though, it’s important to make sure that your skin protection is up to standard.

While the sun can bring us many joys and allow us to enjoy the outdoors more, it brings with it harmful UV rays that can cause skin damage. Follow these tips to ensure your skin doesn’t suffer from sun damage when going outdoors.

1. Use sunscreen and lip balm

This is the best protection you can give to your skin while out in the sun. Apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 and do this 20 or 30 minutes before sun exposure. Then re-apply every two hours. Ensure that every part of your body is covered including the ears, nose, feet and even underneath your chin. Your lips are also vulnerable outdoors, so make sure to also apply lip balm with SPF. Take note that sunscreen should also be applied during cloudy days. UV rays can penetrate through clouds and can still damage your skin.

If you’ve recently had laser, or have just undergone some other skin treatment, extra caution should be followed. It would be best to totally avoid sun exposure.

2. Wear a hat or use an umbrella

A hat and an umbrella can provide shade for you when outdoors. When using a hat for sun protection, make sure to choose one made of canvas over those made from straw, and pick wide-brimmed hats over caps or beanies.

3. Use protective clothing

It would also be good to use protective clothing especially if you will spending a lot of time under direct sunlight or will be doing an activity that would be impossible to do with an umbrella in hand. Wear tightly woven long-sleeved shirts and long pants.

4. Limit sun exposure

Just because the sun is shining brightly outside, doesn’t mean you should spend the entire day basking in its brightness. You should limit your sun exposure, especially between 10 am and 2 pm This is the time of the day when the sun’s rays are the strongest. Regularly take breaks when playing outside and seek shade when out in the sun.

These four simple tips can do so much when it comes to protecting your skin from the sun.

If you’ve been experiencing some of the negative effects of being in the sun too long, like having dry skin and developing wrinkles, give us a call at True Skin. We can give you a facial rejuvenation treatment to restore the youthful glow of your skin. Our skin care and laser clinic also provide other treatments such as tattoo removal and scar treatment.

Keep your skin healthy by taking care of it and ensuring it is properly protected from harmful elements. When it comes to spending the day outdoors, just follow the four tips listed above so you and your skin can enjoy the beautiful light of the sun, without suffering the consequences.


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