Laser Treatments


Using targeted laser light to reduce facial wrinkles and skin irregularities. The technique directs short, concentrated pulsating beams of light at irregular skin, precisely removing skin layer by layer.

Here at True Skin we keep a wide range of laser therapy options available to treat a multitude of skin concerns in the areas you need them most. Your consultant will work with you to target those areas of concern and suggest the most suitable laser technique for your skin type and comfort level. Various options are available to target more superficial or deeper skin layers in varying degrees of strength and speed. We will ensure to choose the best laser treatment plan for you to give you visible and lasting results.

Our treatments

Spectra Peel


Spectra Peel is a highly effective laser acne treatment and is virtually painless. Our advanced laser works on your acne, deep in that important layer of skin known as the dermis, promoting cell regeneration and reducing inflammation. It then treats the active acne on the surface by gently eliminating dead skin cells, clearing plugged pores, shrinking oil-producing glands and stimulating new skin growth.

How many sessions will I need?

You will likely need to start with six Spectra Peel sessions and then visit us two or three times a year for maintenance sessions.

Is this treatment painful?

Discomfort is minimal with this treatment, application of the laser can feel warm with a light flicking sensation on the skin. Post treatment the skin will feel warm, with normal skin care regime continued by the next day.

*Some extreme cases of acne may benefit from facial peels prior to spectra peel

Laser Genesis


A non-ablative (read as gentle) laser treatment that works by heating the skin’s surface to promote collagen renewal. The heat from the Genesis laser will also gently remove contaminants on the skins surface to help clear pores and maintain a smooth rejuvenated look.

How long does the treatment take?

Treatment can last anywhere from 15 minutes to 1 hour depending on the area requiring treatment.

Are there any side effects?

Your skin may feel warm during and post treatment, otherwise there is no downtime and clients can resume normal activities.

Laser Toning


For pigmentation issues on the skin, particularly the face, our Lutronic Q-Switch Laser will assist to reduce visible pigmentation.

Melasma (large light to dark brown patches on the skin; often called pregnancy mask due to hormonal changes and sun exposure) treatment with laser toning is effective, particularly in patients with skin type 3 and above (Asian skin especially).

This treatment is also excellent to even out skin tone and reduce pore size, especially around the nose and cheeks.

How many sessions will I need?

Results will come gradually and treatments will be spaced out between 1 to 2 weeks for 8 to 10 treatments in total.

What can I expect during treatment?

The skin lightening treatment is relatively painless, and the skin will feel warm to touch immediately post treatment. There is no downtime and clients can return to normal activities immediately post treatment, although it is best to avoid sun exposure.

Vascular Laser


A super quick and easy treatment with big results.

In Vascular laser treatment we use what is known as Limelight Therapy which targets the pigment in blood in order to quickly deliver light energy and dissapate the visible arteries or veins on the skin’s surface. Whether it be superficial face veins or deeper blue leg veins, men and women of all skin tones and types can benefit from this treatment.

Results will be visible (or shall we say no longer visible) within the first one to two treatments depending on the type of vessels we are working to remove.

How does Laser Vein Therapy work?

The laser is attracted to the pigment of the blood in the vein under the skin and delivers light energy which causes the blood to coagulate, thus destroying the vessel which is later reabsorbed by your body.

Is vascular laser painful?

You may experience slight stinging during treatment, some people describe it as being flicked by a small rubber band. Anaesthesia is not normally required, application of ice may be used to cool the area prior to treatment.

How many treatments will I need?

Usually one or two vein treatments will be sufficient but the number of treatments required depends on the number, colour, and size of the vessels being treated.

DEKA Laser


The latest in CO2 skin technology, this resurfacing laser is the go-to for improving skin texture. Unlike traditional CO2 lasers, DEKA, sometimes referred to as “cool-peel” is suitable for all skin types and skin tones. This is the ideal treatment for improving the appearace of acne scars, stretch marks, uneven skin tone and rough skin textures. The DEKA laser procedure is short and relatively painless with minimal downtime.

Is the treatment painful?

Unlike traditional fractional lasers, the DEKA laser does not penetrate to the deeper layers of skin. It is able to precisely target the top (epidermis) and uppermost layer of the dermis to achieve similar results without the need to heat further down. Since there is less heat build up using this procedure, any pain experienced is minimal in comparison to traditional fractional lasers. You may experience some light pin prick sensations throughout the procedure.

How many sessions are required?

We generally recommend 3-4 sessions at 4-6 week intervals.

What can I expect post treatment

You may see some redness for 24 hours after treatment and we suggest avoiding sunlight during this time. Makeup can be worn the next day.

Tattoo Removal


Using the latest and safest laser technology, the Q switch laser is able to effectively target all ink colours on many areas of the body. After carefully analysing the colours present in your tattoo, your therapist will apply targeted bursts of energy to ink pigment in order to break it into smaller pieces that the body is able to naturally absorb and dispose of. Just as tattoo ink is layered into the skin, the Q switch must work in layers to remove the ink pigment under the skin.

Is the treatment painful?

As we are applying quite a strong heat pulse into the skin, it needs to recover in between each session to allow us to progressively remove all the ink present. Anaesthetics and ice may be used to ensure your treatment is as comfortable as possible. The laser can feel quite hot and most clients report a burning sensation.

How many sessions are required?

Depending on the size and colours present in your tattoo, most people require 5-10 sessions.

*There is a risk of scarring and hypo/hyper pigmentation which your therapist will discuss with you during your consultation

Find out what laser therapy can do for you today