Laser tattoo removal homecare guide


Our after-care guide will ensure your laser tattoo removal is a success

At True Skin, a laser tattoo removal session takes from just a few minutes to more than an hour, depending on the size of the tattoo. But this doesn’t mean the tattoo treatment ends when you leave our Sydney skin clinic.

If you want your tattoo removed by a laser, expect to undergo a series of treatments. Most tattoos take five to 10 sessions to fade or remove. Importantly, these sessions are usually spaced eight weeks apart.

How you care for the treatment site during those eight weeks and after your last laser session is vital, not just to ensure your unwanted tattoo fades successfully, but for the sake of your health. Following the instructions below will ensure you avoid infection and other undesirable side effects.

What you can expect after a laser tattoo treatment?

While non-invasive, this form of removing tattoos does leave a superficial skin wound. Don’t be alarmed. The reaction is quite normal. Expect the location of your laser treatment to immediately turn white. As your True Skin laser clinician will reassure you, this, too, is quite normal. The whitening effect will last just a few minutes.

Within eight to 72 hours, blisters, crusts or scabs will form. These may last for a week or a fortnight, and possibly longer. After the scabs fall away, the treated areas may appear pink or pale. As your True Skin clinician will advise you before you begin treatment, scarring is rare. A temporary phenomenon may be reduced or excess skin pigment at the treatment site. Most people will heal in four to six weeks.

After your laser tattoo removal– the do’s, the don’ts and the blow-dryer trick

True Skin recommends you practise the following 14 self-care measures until the tattoo treatment process is complete and the treatment site has fully healed.

  1. Try to rest immediately after a laser treatment. However, if you really must work, ensure the work is sedentary only. Avoid physical activity for at least 24 hours after a laser session.

  2. In the first 24 hours, a cold compress (such as an ice pack) and elevation will help reduce discomfort and inflammation. These will relieve the ‘sunburn sensation’ you might experience in the days immediately following a tattoo removal treatment. You may use cold compresses as often and for as long as you wish.

  3. Apply topical antibiotics on the treated area only as prescribed by your doctor. Adhere to your doctor's recommended dosage and frequency of application. Ensure you keep the site clean after applying the topical treatment.

  4. If you are experiencing severe discomfort, seek professional help before taking medication. Don’t rummage through the bathroom cabinet and grab whichever tablets you think might best help you. Instead, contact True Skin, consult your GP or talk to the pharmacist on duty at your chemist shop before buying or taking any medication. It is very important you do not take aspirins, ibuprofen or naproxen. These medications will increase the risk of bruising and bleeding.

  5. Cover the treated area with a sterile dressing for at least three days after a laser session, or for the period advised by your doctor.

  6. Keep the tattoo treatment area clean and dry most of the time. You may take a warm shower (not hot) after 24 hours have passed, but immediately either gently pat the site dry (or dry with a blow-dryer). Quickly drying the treated area helps to prevent infection and promotes faster healing.

  7. Avoid soaking in bathtubs, spa baths and pools until the affected area has fully healed. Soaking increases the risk of infection. Please avoid spa baths. Jets of highly pressured water may cause further bruising and injury.

  8. Likewise, avoid steam rooms and saunas. Heat may promote bruising and bleeding of the affected skin area, delaying healing.

  9. To avoid scarring, don’t pick or scratch blisters, crusts, or scabs, which may occur as a natural reaction to the laser skin treatment. If these itch or cause pain, apply the soothing ointment your True Skin clinician will give you. We urge you to keep your hands and nails away from the treated site to avoid infection or scarring. Do not pop any blisters that appear!

  10. Don’t expose the treatment area to the sun. Avoid direct sun exposure for at least two weeks. If you must go outdoors, apply sunblock (don’t skimp!) and wear enough clothing to cover your fading tattoo. However, even if you take these precautions, minimise your time in the sun as much as you can.

  11. Avoid applying skin products that may irritate the treatment area. Cosmetics, creams or lotions may do more than cause irritation – they could cause injury. If you are unsure what products are safe to use, contact us. Our qualified clinicians will be happy to advise you.

  12. Don’t shave the affected area until it has fully healed.

  13. If you experience any severe or unusual reactions during or after the course of your laser tattoo treatment, contact True Skin or consult a medical professional immediately.

  14. Finally, ensure you’re well-hydrated – in other words, drink plenty of water.

A quick word about Sydney laser clinic True Skin

True Skin is a cosmetic and laser clinic in the Sydney CBD offering a variety of non-surgical, non-invasive skin treatments. These include acne treatment, scarring treatment, anti-ageing treatment, anti-wrinkle treatment, rosacea treatment, nail fungus treatment, skin rejuvenation, pore reduction and hair reduction, plus many other forms of laser treatment. We stock a range of dermal fillers, anti-wrinkle injections and injections to enhance the pouting of the lips. All initial consultations are free.

Contact us now or phone 0415 620 008 to make an appointment.


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